Sunday, February 24, 2019

21st century Soma (Grant)

Brave New World is an interesting dystopic story. I think the most interesting aspects of the Brave New World society are the ones that are like ours. One of those things is soma. The idea of soma may have seemed outlandish to people back in 1930’s England but it’s not that weird now. Nowadays it’s very common to hear about people abusing drugs to change their mood. MDMA, weed, PCP, Heroin, cocaine, shrooms and lean, are just some drugs of varying severity that people use. While drugs have been a thing for a very long time and were certainly around in the 1930s when Brave New World was written I think that they have become much more of a cultural phenomenon now. Some public figures, particularly newer rappers, often talk about using these drugs. Take for example “Little Xan” who is named from Xanax. Drugs are also featured in movies, and just about any other media we have today. These drugs are taken illegally to alter the moods of people and take them on a euphoric vacation like Soma does in Brave New World.  
However, a lot of those drugs don’t really fix the problems that soma fixes in the book. Soma is supposed to take care of bad thoughts and returns the user to a state of happiness. Lots of the drugs above even when you’re taking them are said to make people feel paranoid and not the state of happiness soma puts people in. Instead of those drugs, we have anti-depressants which don’t fully take care of bad thoughts, but they help. Soma also doesn’t seem to fully take care of many recurring thoughts like in Lenina’s case. So it seems like anti-depressants operate similarly to soma. However, anti-depressants don’t provide this out of body vacation that Soma does so it's not a real Soma alternative. In the 1930’s the knowledge on mental health treatment wasn’t anywhere near as advanced as it is today, so it is safe to say that drugs like this are more part of the social consciousness than they would have been in the 1930s.
Currently, there doesn't exist a drug like soma but some of the things that soma is said to do can be seen in other drugs. Soma is much more of a real thing for us than it would have been for readers back in the 1930s as we are living in a world with real anti-depressants. We might not even that far away from a world with Soma. Not to start sounding too crazy or anything but the government has a history of trying to use drugs to alter the minds of people with shady projects like MKULTRA so it's not even unheard of for the government to try to produce drugs to control people, so its not inconceivable to see something like Soma appear soon. 

Grant Hoey

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Arda in Terms of Utopias/Dystopias (Samir)

Short Disclaimer: I don't really have space to explain all of the elements of the plot in The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit,  and Tolkien's other books that take place in this universe, so I'm not going to (also, if you haven't at least read some of The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit then you should be doing that instead of reading my blog post anyway).

Within the universe of J.R.R. Tolkien's trilogy The Lord of the Rings, there are many civilizations that resemble our own in that they are neither utopias nor dystopias (interestingly, these tend to be the human civilizations). However, there are also several pockets of life that could be described as utopias. The most obvious forms of utopia in Tolkien's universe are those inhabited by the elves, who seem to live in continual happiness when they are not at war. In particular, in the elves' second home, known as Valinor the gods of Tolkien's universe (the Valar) live among the elves and they are all happy. The Shire is another Utopia that exists within this universe, and it is inhabited by Hobbits. There are not many dystopias in Tolkein's universe, and the few that do exist were created by Melkor (aka Morgoth who is basically Tolkein's version of the devil, and aside from stupid things that humans do, essentially the only reason anything goes wrong in Arda) or his servants.

There are two main kingdoms of Elves in Middle Earth during the events of The Lord of the Rings, Lothlorien and Rivendell, though there were others before them. Both of them have several characteristics that I believe make them utopias. Aside from the fact that no one ever dies in either of these kingdoms (the elves are immortal unless they are murdered, and no enemy ever enters either kingdom), the two kingdoms exist in balance with themselves. Neither kingdom has issues with corruption, poverty, or disease, and both kingdoms are known for their prosperity and how they live harmony with the natural world. Most importantly however, all of the elves that live there are happy (when they are not at war with Sauron, which is most of their existence).

Similarly, in Valinor, the elves live in harmony with the gods of Arda (except Eru Illuvitar, this universe's creator who does not live on Arda). Again, elves are immortal unless murdered and the Valar are also immortal so no one dies in Valinor (which leads us to the nickname of the continent that Valinor is on: the undying lands). There are a bunch of different places in Valinor, which correspond to the realms of the different gods, but the important thing about them is that they're all paradises (except Mandos' area but that's essentially an afterlife. It's a little more complicated than that, especially for elves, but you get the point). Unsurprisingly, everyone in Valinor is also happy, and that's where the majority of the elves live.

The Shire is another place in Arda that is utopian. It is less of a utopia than the homes of the elves as  hobbits are mortal (though they live much longer than humans), and they have petty issues, but it's still essentially a utopia. For one thing, the issues that they do have are extremely minor (almost always neighborly disagreements about noise levels, etc.). The prosperity of their society is well represented in the number of meals that all hobbits eat in a day--six. Hobbits are essentially ungoverned (there is a system of government in place but it really doesn't do anything and isn't required to), which means no corruption or systematic oppression. Poverty also doesn't really seem to be a thing that they have issues with even though there are different classes. Most importantly, again, everyone there is happy and content (which is why everyone thinks its so weird when Bilbo helps the dwarves in the events of The Hobbit).

The kingdoms of humans (and there are a lot of them, though most of them collapse one way or another), are pretty normal societies. Human societies (like Gondor and Lake Town) have issues with corruption in the ruling class (like the Master and the Steward of Gondor). Their governments are much more oppressive of their people, and spend more of their time trying to maintain their power. Gondor goes through a number of civil wars due disputes over claims to the throne, and eventually the reign of Gondor is given to stewards because a proper heir cannot be discovered. Essentially, the kingdoms of humans function a lot like real human civilizations  (not very utopian if you ask me, but the governments are not oppressive enough to be dystopian).

Dystopias also appear in Tolkien's universe, though there are not many. The kingdoms of orcs (also inhabited by trolls, etc.) seem dystopian, though we don't learn much about them. They live in places like Gundabad or Mordor, which are particularly desolate areas of Middle Earth. Orcs are elves who were corrupted by Morgoth, which basically means their only goal is to ruin everything for everyone else, including each other unless one of their leaders is present. Any servant of Melkor is essentially his slave, and is usually also overseen by more powerful servants. Places where orcs live have a lot of violence, slavery, and oppression for each other, and even worse for those who don't serve Melkor. They are also by far the most warlike civilization; the servants of Melkor cause almost every single war in Arda.

Although the main focus of all of the stories that Tolkien wrote about his universe is on the interactions between these civilizations, the people who inhabit them, etc., these civilizations could also be used to analyze our own in a similar way to those of utopian/dystopian novels. Though not all of it is realistic, I think it's instructive that the civilizations with less class divisions are more utopian, and so are the civilizations that are more peaceful. Humans and orcs are the two most warlike and most hierarchical groups, and they are also the most unhappy. Comparing that to our society is definitely disturbing, what do you guys think?


In our ongoing discussion of stress, I’ve seen/heard a fairly consistent theme, which is that we should actively work to avoid and reduce...